01. Oh Come, Immanuel
02. Once in Royal David's city
03. Unto us a Child is born
04. Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
05. Good Christian men rejoice
06. O holy night (Minuit chrétien)
07. The Holly and the Ivy
08. See amid the winter's snow
09. I Saw Three Ships
10. This Christmastide (Jessye's Carol)
11. Coventry Carol
12. In the Bleak Mid-winter
13. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
14. Angels we have heard on high
15. We Three Kings of Orient are
16. Joy to the World
17. Adeste Fideles (O come, all ye faithful)
18. Amen
01. Angels from the realms of Glory
02. The first Nowell
03. It Came Upon A Midnight Clear
04. Away in a manger
05. Ihr Kinderlein, kommet - Arr. Bruce Saylor as
06. Of the Father's Love Begotten (from Divinum Mi
07. Mary had a baby
08. Es ist ein' Ros' entsprungen
09. Puer Natus in Bethlehem (Benedictine Processio
10. Ave Maria
11. Noël Nouvelet
12. A Christmas Garland
13. La Ballade du Jésus-Christ
14. Stille Nacht, heilige Nacht
15. Balm in Gilead
16. Adeste Fideles (O come, all ye faithful)
1 - - - - - - 2
Paul Le Flem - La Magicienne de la Mer; Symphony No.1
Paul LE FLEM (1881 – 1984)Deux Interludes de La Magicienne de la Mer
(1947)Fantiasie pour piano et orchestre (1911)Symphony No.1 in A major
(1906/8) Marie-...
Há 2 horas
12 comentários:
À pessoa que cuida deste blog,
Gratos. Feliz Natal e um Ano Novo repleto de felicidades para você também.
Thank you so much! and Merry Christmas :D
Thanks! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year for you too.
Ao amigo que criou e que nos brinda diariamente com essas postagens magníficas nesse blog que já faz parte de nossa vida, meu muito obrigado!
Que Deus o abençoe e proteja com muita saúde, paz, amor e realizações felizes como as que temos ao abrir todos os dias o Sictransit.
Grande abraço e um 2011 repleto de alegrias (e de mais óperas de Rossini, Donizetti, Bellini, Verdi, etc...)
Os três amigos que criaram o blog agradecem e desejam a você um Ano Novo pleno de realizações e de coisas boas.
A very Merry Christmas to you and yours - and thanks for all the good things you bring to us.
I have a question:
What happened to the Tchaikovsky Video that was here?
I have three liks down loaded and it went away.
Any help for this piolgrim fanatic of opera?
Bob from Georgia USA
Gracias por tanta generosidad y por su ardua labor para difundir la ópera y la música.Felíz Navidad!
Merry Christmas for all.
Tchaikovsky's Tsarina Sllipers has a error, a broken link and this affects the rest.
I hopefully fix it until Christmas 2011.
Mis mejores deseos para todos los que haceis este fantástico blog.
Feliz Navidad y que 2011 sea un año lleno de arias, sfumaturas, accaciaturas, mordentes, etcetera, etcetera.
Oh, OK, so we wn't be able to wear any Russian slippers until next Christmas?
I love your sense of humor! Thanks for responding this Christmas.
I'm glad it wasn't Adrive messing with you.
Bob from Georgia USA
Gracias Junfly. Lo mismo es el nuestro deseo para ti. Gracias
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