Alfonso II, duca di Ferrara - Ambrogio Riva
Torquato Tasso, poeta - Simone Alaimo
Eleonora, sorella del duca - Luciana Serra
Eleonora, contessa di Scandiano - Nicoletta Ciliento
Roberto Geraldini, segretario del duca - Ernesto Palacio
Don Gherardo, cortigiano - Roberto Coviello
Ambrogio, servo di Torquato - Diego D'Auria
Professori d'orchestra e artisti del coro del
Teatro Communale dell'Opera di Genova
Massimo de Bernart
Dal vivo - 16.10.1985
CD1 - - - CD2 - - - CD3
French Music for Ballet (Sauguet, Massenet, Ibert)
French Music for BalletHenri SAUGUET (1901-1989)Les Forains (1945)
[25:15]Jules MASSENET (1842 - 1912)Ballet Suite from Hérodiade (1881 rev.
1884) Jacques ...
Há 10 horas
5 comentários:
This is a performance I never though I'd hear. Thanks!
Thank you very much for your efforts creating this fantastic blog!
There are many fantastic recordings here, although I believe it's quite a pity that they're not available at a higher quality sound, at least mp3 320 Kbps VBR MAX...
Anyway, I thank you so much for its existance!
Best regards,
track 1 on CD1 is not decompressing. I'm receiving a CRC error.
Thank you anyway
Anton: The files in 192 kbps perfectly meet our objectives to serve as an idea of content. Thenceforward strongly advise the visitors buy the CD, which is better than 320 kbps, FLAC, Ape, etc... Thanks
Do a new download or use the tool "repair" of your program winrar or winzip. Thanks
Dear Sir,
Would you mind restaure that link?
Thanks a lot
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