Fiordiligi - Pilar Lorengar Dorabella - Teresa Berganza Guglielmo - Tom Krause Ferrando - Ryland Davies Despina - Jane Berbié Don Alfonso - Gabriel Bacquier
The London Philharmonic Orchestra and Chorus Georg Solti, 1974
I'm not able to determine the download you made and possible errors ... Be more specific. What's wrong with the track 2 from cd 2? Have you tried a new download?
Robin: We have Don giovanni's 50 and 54 directed by W. Furtwängler, but is not in our plans post it soon, because we posted "only" 20 different versions of this opera recently, and maybe you will like some of them:
16 may 10, 11:43 Opermusik: Well I'm glad you enjoy the music. Greetings. 16 may 10, 07:30 Robin: Oh my soul, Opermusik; I'm soooo stupid. I failed to capitalize the O in Opermusik. I just redid it, and the rcording plays beautifully, forgive me for spaking my frustration,. It was all my fault. 15 may 10, 10:14 Opermusik: Robin the program used to compress and decompress Don Giovanni, is only Winrar, not to do more to help. 15 may 10, 10:05 Robin: Dear Opermusik the only decompactor that will open anything is 7zip, and every file says error in encrpted file. Che pasa? yo no se. 15 may 10, 06:29 Robin: Bob from Georgia USA
cd2 should have 16 tracks, not 15 as here, in your sharing is missing track 2 ("Alla bella Despinetta"), and some of following tracks are in wrong order. Sorry for my bad english, i hope to have explained. Many thanks!
Ale, Several of those recordings of Don Giovanni you uploaded I already own, and about four of yours I've thoroughly enjoyed as well. Thank you so much. I just wanted the 54 Furtwangler DG because the major consensus of the reviewers is that it is especially good, and for the 1950's as well. Ever grateful for you monumental work!
Este blog não possui finalidade comercial ou lucrativa, nem tampouco visa obter, direta ou indiretamente, qualquer lucro ou vantagem através da divulgação de obras musicais cujos direitos autorais estejam ou não assegurados a seus respetivos titulares, não se podendo interpretar de outra forma, eventuais trocas de arquivos entre membros e/ou visitantes do blog, senão como mero intercambio cultural, razão pela qual dispensa-se qualquer hipótese de doação, contribuição ou percepção de vantagens através de propaganda, merchandising, marketing, etc, não sendo demais lembrar que em termos de qualidade os arquivos em formato mp3, wma, ogg, flac, ape, etc, não se comparam com a gravação em compact disc, motivo pelo qual aconselha-se firmemente que o visitante do blog, gostando desta ou daquela obra, adquira o respectivo disco ou CD nas lojas especializadas.
All files linked on this blog, without exception, are spread over and located in the Internet worldwide, and what is here is just meeting them in one only place, in one only space. Do not exist here, repeat itself, one only work that is not also available on other sites, blogs or Web forums. However, if you have, directly or indirectly, the rights to this or that work and feel offended or harmed with this, please tell us withdraw to the blog immediately.
N O T I C E:
After downloading some files may have decompression problems. Before asking us to do a new upload, please be sure to be tempted to fix it using the winrar tool repair, because all files in this blog have a recovery record See: or Done that, and not having good effect, please let us know so that we will re-upload the damaged file.
This is just a blog and not a radio station (broadcast) or cds/lps store. So do not waste time asking us to post this or that work. Comments to that effect will be ignored. Thanks
Isto é apenas um blog e não uma sucursal do Museu da Imagem e do Som. Assim sendo, não perca tempo solicitando esta ou aquela gravação, pois o que é postado aqui depende de estar ou não disponível na própria internet, que no mais das vezes o requisitante já pesquisou de cabo a rabo e não encontrou. Nada obstante, sinta-se a vontade para baixar as mais de 2000 obras aqui postadas. Gratos
Ravel 150.
Maurice Ravel (n. 07.03.1875)
Boston Symphony Orchestra
Dir: Charles Munch
Celebrando a Ravel en su sesquicente...
Coro de Suripantas
El Joven Telémaco.
Rogel / Blasco
Suripanta la suripanta
maca trunqui de socatén
sun fáribun sun fáriben
maca trúpiten sangasimém
Eri sunqui
Maca ...
Verdi - "Il corsaro" - Acto 3.
Ir al Primer acto. Comienza el tercer acto en los apartamentos de Said en
Corone con una muy breve introducción orquestal y un recurso muy común en
El pasado miércoles 25 de Junio, el Maestro Plácido Domingo, regresó al
teatro de su ciudad natal, Madrid. La actuación del tenor, después de la
(DG 477 9878)
Este *Don* conta com pérolas que o transformam num putativo eterno
sobrevivente, num universo discográfico prolixo.
Doravante, em maté...
*Hi! *
*I'm glad to tell you that An die Musik moved to another address, and
became An die Musik: Phoenix Project. Please, visit our new place of
sharing ...
Beethoven Symphony No.9 / Oskar Fried , Pearl
*· Release Date:* 1993
*· Catalog #:* GEMM CD 9372
*· Label:* Pearl
*· Number of Discs:*1 CD
*· Composer:* Beethoven
*· Performer:* Leonard,Sonnenberg,Tra...
9 comentários:
Hello Herman,
I kmow this an odd place to ask this question, but I could find no other message link.
Do you by any chance have the 1954 EMI Furtwangler Don Giovanni?
I know there is a link to it on Opermusik, but I cannot get it to work.
Thanks in advance for any helpful information you may be able to give.
Bob from Georgia USA
please forgive my just previous note. I'm sorry to bother you with the Q about Don Giovanni. I got it to work.
Did I say that correctly?
Bob from Georgia USA
many thanks for this wonderful "Così".. but track 2 of cd2 lacks...
I'm not able to determine the download you made and possible errors ... Be more specific. What's wrong with the track 2 from cd 2? Have you tried a new download?
We have Don giovanni's 50 and 54 directed by W. Furtwängler, but is not in our plans post it soon, because we posted "only" 20 different versions of this opera recently, and maybe you will like some of them:
Well! I belive you solve the problem...
16 may 10, 11:43
Opermusik: Well I'm glad you enjoy the music. Greetings.
16 may 10, 07:30
Robin: Oh my soul, Opermusik; I'm soooo stupid. I failed to capitalize the O in Opermusik. I just redid it, and the rcording plays beautifully, forgive me for spaking my frustration,. It was all my fault.
15 may 10, 10:14
Opermusik: Robin the program used to compress and decompress Don Giovanni, is only Winrar, not to do more to help.
15 may 10, 10:05
Robin: Dear Opermusik the only decompactor that will open anything is 7zip, and every file says error in encrpted file. Che pasa? yo no se.
15 may 10, 06:29
Robin: Bob from Georgia USA
cd2 should have 16 tracks, not 15 as here, in your sharing is missing track 2 ("Alla bella Despinetta"), and some of following tracks are in wrong order. Sorry for my bad english, i hope to have explained. Many thanks!
Now I understand!
I fixed the CD2 and I'm doing a new upload. Thank you for notifying us
Several of those recordings of Don Giovanni you uploaded I already own, and about four of yours I've thoroughly enjoyed as well. Thank you so much. I just wanted the 54 Furtwangler DG because the major consensus of the reviewers is that it is especially good, and for the 1950's as well.
Ever grateful for you monumental work!
Bob from Georgia USA
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