Yannakis - Zachos Terzakis
Erofili & Mountain Nereid - Maria Koromantzou
Mother & Old Woman - Joan Sfekas-Karvelas
Sotiris - Andreas Kouloumbis
Kyriakos - Frangikos Voutsinos
Dame Destiny - Tiha Genova
Maid - Claudia Athanassova
Nymph - Denca Valkova
Bulgarian National Chorus
Sofia Philharmonic Orchestra
Yannis Daras, 1983
1 - - - - - - 2
18 comentários:
Gracias, como siempre. Una pregunta si no es molestia, dónde conseguiste esta grabación?
Como se dice en el costado, no hay aquí em SIC TRANSIT ningum archivo, ninguna obra que ya no estea en otros blogs, sitios o foros de la Web. El problema es que muchas veces están en formato Torrent o E-mule ,programas con los quales pocas personas tienen paciencia o saben cómo trabajar.
How can we thank you enough for these introductions to 'hidden' operas ?
Well! Always coming back here and publicizing this blog along to your friends and acquaintances.
Thank you.
Dare I hope for "Magic Herbs" by the same composer?
We have not this job yet, but the prelude and first three songs from Magic Herbs, for download, you find here:
¡Genial! Estudio griego y siempre he echado en falta una ópera en esa lengua. ¿Tienen idea de si puedo conseguir el libreto en internet? Si lo consigo, prometo traducirlo.
Muchas gracias.
¡Veo que el libreto estaba ya incluido en el post! Felicitaciones, se superan a ustedes mismos. Prometo traducción al español.
Esto de incluir información y libreto me parece sensacional, estaría bueno que en los posts que lo incluyan lo marcaran con un comentario.
De nuevo gracias y felicitaciones.
Añadimos el libreto solamente de las óperas menos conocidas y cuando esto es posible. Por ejemplo, pronto estaremos publicando "Protomastoras", tambiem de Kalomiris, y no tenemos el libretto.
Hay sitios especializados en librettos y no es nuestro compromiso postear la ópera y mas su libreto. Algo hay que dejarse a la cuenta del frecuentador del blog. Gracias
Me refería precisamente a eso. Lo que les decía era que estaría bueno que, cuando en la descarga está incluido el libreto, un comentario en el post dijera "Libreto incluido" o algo por el estilo, así el visitante se interesa más por la descarga.
Les comento que puse en funcionamiento un pequeño blog para subir y compartir grabaciones que no estén disponibles en otros:
De más está decirles que me alegraría mucho que lo considerasen siempre a su disposición.
(Disculpen si les escribo en español, a mí portugués le falta mucha práctica; igualmente lo entiendo perfectamente)
Muito obrigado _ Thank you, from the bottom of my heart !
To my shame -- being Greek myself and an Opera lover -- I never had the chance to listen to the complete "Mother's Ring"... until now :-D
@ Diomedes: I wish you the best of luck in translating this libretto. I hope that your English is good, because the original Greek text is too "poetic" and semi-folk/semi-archaic! It'll be rather hard to follow, but enjoy its rhythm!
@ Herman: Also many thanks for the link to ‘www.kalomiris.org’ site, of which I was unaware.
Oh, I have forgotten to add:
This is my very first visit to your blog.
I won't translate in english but in spanish. An english translation is already available in the post. It may be difficult, but it will help me to improve my greek, and to sing some opera in greek, at last! When finished, I'll publish it in kareol.
@ Herman - I'm sorry to mention that there are some tiny gaps (silence) between the tracks, especially noticeable when the split (cut) occurs in the middle of a continuing melody. No big problems for me, though, as I already begun a careful re-editing of track ends/starts.
It might interest you to check {and use?] my re-composed front cover -- a new "capa" of the 1995 release that I found is just as conservative. I've also included two smaller covers, labelled, for inclusion within discs 1 & 2: Just copy each one individually in the opera's respective sub-directory, and rename them... folder.
Do you happen to have here any opera in Portuguese, please? It would make me very happy! Desculpa que eu não posso escrever em português, mas... I do understand about 60-70% of the language. :-)
@ Diomedes - I had not misinterpreted your castillano; I only wanted to say that you'd constantly need to consult the English text, as the opera's language is not the plain New-Greek you will hear in the streets of Athens.
@ Herman, again - Olá, meu amigo... You may delete the following post of mine. It is just meant to inform you.
A shame that I do not have enough free time, now, to explore your wonderful site. But I will eagerly await Kalomiris' "Protomastoras".
Through the Internet, I found out that it was broadcast by the Australian "ABC Radio National" (Public Radio), in November 2004. Below is the link to a very good essay/presentation [in English] of Protomastoras, by Alfred Vincent -- co-producer and text-editor of its performance at the Parade Theatre in Sydney:
http://dspace.flinders.edu.au/dspace/handle/2328/8146 _ or, directly...
By your good reference... here is the English libretto
Bom día/noite.
Já que você entende 60% ou 70% em português, aqui vai:
1 - Nós somos amadores e não temos condições de editar ópera a ópera no Audacity para eliminar eventuais gaps ou falhas de digitalização.
Aliás, é bom que os nossos arquivos sejam de qualidade inferior ao original, já que a nossa intenção não é a de concorrer com o fabricante do cd.
2 - Obrigado pelo link para o libretto de "Protomastoras". Estaremos postando a ópera nos próximos dias.
3 - Não temos óperas cantadas em português. Aliás, assim como Mozart, o compositor brasileiro Carlos Gomes as escreveu em italiano.
1. Thank you. I totally agree -- but I was NOT complaining (I never do)!
2. :-))
3. :-( _ Que pena; or should I sing "Ché vergogna" ?
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