01 - Also sprach Zaratustra
02 - Journey through the classics
03 - Hooked on Haydn
04 - Hooked on romance
05 - Viva Vivaldi
06 - Dance of the furies
07 - Scotland the brave
08 - Jorney through the classics
09 - Journey through America
10 - Hooked on marching
11 - Symphony of the seas
12 - Hooked on Rogers & Hammerstein
Louis Clark conducting the
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Charles Koechlin - Ballade; L' Ancienne maison de campagne; Preludes
Charles KOECHLIN (1867-1950)Ballade, Op. 50 (1911-15) L'ancienne maison de
campagne, Op. 124 (1932-33) Préludes for Piano, Op. 209
(1946-48) Jean-Pierre Fe...
Há um dia
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