01. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 1. Under The Fir-Trees (Under Strandens Granar)
02. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 2. The Kiss's Hope (Kyssens Hopp)
03. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 3. The Heart's Morning (Hjartats Morgon)
04. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 4. Sprinf Flies Speedily (Varen Flyktar Hastigt)
05. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 5. The Dream (Drommen)
06. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 6. To Frigga (Till Frigga)
07. Seven Songs, Op.13 - 7. The Young Huntsman (Jagargossen)
08. Six Songs, Op.50 - 1. Spring Song (Lenzgesang)
09. Six Songs, Op.50 - 2. Longing (Sehnsucht)
10. Six Songs, Op.50 - 3. In The Field A Maid Sings (Im Feld Ein Madchen Singt)
11. Six Songs, Op.50 - 4. From Anxious Heart (Aus Banger Brust)
12. Six Songs, Op.50 - 5. The Silent City (Die Stille Stadt)
13. Six Songs, Op.50 - 6. Song Of The Roses (Rosenlied)
14. Six Songs, Op.90 - 1. The North (Norden)
15. Six Songs, Op.90 - 2. Her Message (Hennes Budskap)
16. Six Songs, Op.90 - 3. Morning (Morgonen)
17. Six Songs, Op.90 - 4. The Bird-Catcher (Fagelf-Ngaren)
18. Six Songs, Op.90 - 5. Summer Night (Sommarnatten)
19. Six Songs, Op.90 - 6. Who Brought You Hither- (Vem Styrde Hit Din Vag¿)
20. The Wood Nymph (Skogsraet)
21. The Jewish Girl Song (Den Judiska Fliskans Sang)
22. Alikeness (Likhet)
23. A Song (En Visa)
24. Serenade (Serenad)
25. The Thought (Tanken)