Side A - 01. H.M.S. Pinafore-Overture We Sail The Ocean Blue
Side A - 02. The Pirates of Penzance-Hold Monsters Modern Major General
Side A - 03. The Mikado-Three Little Maids
Side A - 04. The Pirates of Penzance-With Cat-Like Tread
Side A - 05. The Mikado-On A Tree By A River
Side A - 06. The Mikado-The Flowers That Bloom In Spring
Side A - 07. H.M.S. Pinafore-My Gallant Crew I Am The Captain
Side B - 08. H.M.S. Pinafore-Monarch of the Sea When I Was A Lad
Side B - 09. The Mikado-A Wandering Minstrel
Side B - 10. The Mikado-A More Human Mikado
Side B - 11. The Pirates of Penzance-When The Yeoman Bares His Steel
Side B - 12. Ruddigore-Old Oak Tree
Side B - 13. H.M.S. Pinafore-Finale
The D'Oyly Carte Opera Company
The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Sir Malcolm Sargent
French Music for Ballet (Sauguet, Massenet, Ibert)
French Music for BalletHenri SAUGUET (1901-1989)Les Forains (1945)
[25:15]Jules MASSENET (1842 - 1912)Ballet Suite from Hérodiade (1881 rev.
1884) Jacques ...
Há 7 horas
2 comentários:
Nice one.
I have the LP, but with a diffenermt sleeve. I think it was a 'Phase4' release.
Well! Now that you said it saw that cut the top where it says Phase4!
If you like Sullivan's works wait as we will post almost 20 cds with his operettas and concertos by the middle of February.
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