
01. Overture - A Day’s Pleasure
02. Problems with the Ford - A Day’s Pleasure
03. Going on Board - A Day’s Pleasure
04. Dancing on Board Ship - A Day’s Pleasure
05. Seasickness - A Day’s Pleasure
06. The Rebelious Deckchair - A Day’s Pleasure
07. The Fight - A Day’s Pleasure
08. Back in the City - A Day’s Pleasure
09. Traffic Sent - Finale - A Day’s Pleasure
10. Overture - At Work - Pay Day
11. Wages and the Wife - Pay Day
12. Leaving the Tavern - Pay Day
13. Singing with Chums - Pay Day
14. Returning Home - Finale - Pay Day
15. Overture -The Gold Rush
16. Road to Fortune - The Gold Rush
17. Delicious Dish Boiled Boot -The Gold Rush
18. The Ballet of the Bread Rolls - The Gold Rush
19. Song title Swing Little Girls - The Circus
20. Circus Fanfare -The Circus
21. Pursuer Pursued -The Circus
22. A Magician Exposed - The Circus
23. Love at First Sight - The Circus
24. Clown’s Apprentice - The Circus
25. Barber’s Apprentice - The Circus
26. Song title (orchestral version) -The Circus
27. Intruder in the Lion’s Cage - The Circus
28. Love’s Disillusion - The Circus
29. Tightrope Walker -The Circus
30. Finale - The Circus
01. Overture - City Lights
02. Unveiling the Statue -City Lights
03. The Violet Seller - City Lights
04. At the Night Club (Suite) - City Lights
05. The Blind Flower Girl, Again - City Lights
06. Misfortunes of a Street Cleaner - City Lights
07. The Burden of Poverty - City Lights
08. Hopes of Riches - City Lights
09. A Boxer by Necessity (Suite) - City Lights
10. Overture - Modern Times
11. Lunchtime - Modern Times
12. The Workers Demonstrate - Modern Times
13. A Huge Meal, Thanks to the Police - Modern Times
14. Skating in the Big Stores - Modern Times
15. A Nonsense Song - Modern Times
16. Finale - Modern Times
17. Overture - The Great Dictator
18. Conspirators’ Meal - The Great Dictator
19. Overture - Limelight
20. Son The Animal Trainers - Limelight
21. Song Spring Has Arrived - Limelight
22. Function at the Empire Theater - Limelight
23. Ballet Rehearsal - Limelight
24. Ballet Death of Columbine - Limelight
25. The Sardine Song - Limelight
26. The Clown’s Last Crazy Act - Limelight
27. Finale - Limelight
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