Michael Ginn
Patrizia Kwella
Marie McLaughlin
Jennifer Smith
Maldwyn Davies
Martiyn Hill
Stephen Varcoe
English Baroque Soloists
Monteverdi Choir
John Eliot Gardiner, 1981
1 - - - - - - 2
Paul Le Flem - La Magicienne de la Mer; Symphony No.1
Paul LE FLEM (1881 – 1984)Deux Interludes de La Magicienne de la Mer
(1947)Fantiasie pour piano et orchestre (1911)Symphony No.1 in A major
(1906/8) Marie-...
Há 20 minutos
2 comentários:
A great blog my friend. You can upload the opera Poro of Handel by Fabio Biondi??. Thanks and go ahead whith this work.
Sure! For yourself or for your blog?
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